Certificate 981 - FRAMA PSD-I
intCertNum 981
strVendorName FRAMA AG
strURL http://www.framaswiss.com
strAddress1 Unterdorf
strCity Lauperswil
strPostalCode CH-3438
strCountry CH-3438
strContact Beat C. Waelti
strEmail beat.waelti@framaswiss.com
strPhone +41 34 496 98 98
strFax +41 34 496 98 00
strContact2 Markus Arn
strEmail2 markus.arn@framaswiss.com
strFax2 +41 34 496 98 00
strPhone2 +41 34 496 98 98
intCertNum 981
strModuleName FRAMA PSD-I
strPartNumber Hardware Version: 2.4;
Firmware Version: 1.0.6
str140Version 140-2
_sp_ Security Policy   [pdf][html][txt]
_cert_ Certificate   [pdf][txt]
strModuleType Hardware
strValidationDate 07/17/2008
intOverallLevel 3
strFIPSAlgorithms Triple-DES (Cert. #450);
RSA (Cert. #157);
SHS (Cert. #489);
RNG (Cert. #215)
strOtherAlgorithms Diffie-Hellman (key agreement: key establishment methodology provides 80 bits of encryption strength;
strConfiguration Multi-chip embedded
memModuleDescription The cryptographic module (called Postal Security Device, PSD) supports
booking processes within postal meters as well as value loading processes
in order to increase the postage credits. The postage credits are kept as
CSPs within the PSD. In detail the use of cryptographic services, like the
production of cryptographic keys, the encoding, decoding or signature and
signature verification is part of PSD internal purposes to the booking
processes mentioned above. The PSD uses the following algorithms in the
approved mode of operation: Triple-DES; RSA; SHA-1; RNG acc. to FIPS
intModuleCount 1
strFirstValidtionDate 07/17/08 00:00:00
strLabName TUEViT
strValidationYear 2008