Certificate 1868 - B200, B300 and B400 Remote Support Appliances
intCertNum 1868
strVendorName Bomgar Corporation
strURL http://www.bomgar.com/fips
strAddress1 578 Highland Colony Parkway
strAddress2 Paragon Centre, Suite 300
strCity Ridgeland
strStateProv MS
strPostalCode 39157
strCountry 39157
strContact Main Office
strEmail prodinfo@bomgar.com
strPhone 601-519-0123
strFax 601-510-9080
strContact2 Stella Kwon
strEmail2 skwon@bomgar.com
strFax2 601-510-9080
strPhone2 703-736-8363
intCertNum 1868
strModuleName B200, B300 and B400 Remote Support Appliances
strPartNumber Hardware Versions: B200 [1], B300r1 [2], B300r2 [4] and B400r1 [3];
Tamper Evident Label Kit: TEL135325 [1,2,3,4];
Front Bezels: (FB000300 [2,4] and FB000400 [3]);
Firmware Versions: 3.3.2FIPS [1,2,3], 3.4.0FIPS [1,2], 3.4.1FIPS [1,2] and 3.5.1FIPS [1,2,4];
Software Versions: 12.1.6FIPS [1,2,3], 13.1.3FIPS [1,2] and 14.3.3FIPS [1,2,4]
memModuleNotes When operated in FIPS mode and with the tamper evident labels and front bezels applied as indicated in the Security Policy
str140Version 140-2
_sp_ Security Policy   [pdf][html][txt]
_cert_ Certificate   [pdf]
strModuleType Hardware
strValidationDate 01/15/2013;04/08/2014;10/31/2014;07/06/2015
intOverallLevel 2
strFIPSAlgorithms AES (Certs. #2219, #2543, #3033 and #3340);
Triple-DES (Certs. #1389, #1538, #1774 and #1909);
RSA (Certs. #1136, #1297, #1575 and #1715);
SHS (Certs. #1910, #2143, #2531 and #2774);
HMAC (Certs. #1350, #1564, #1915 and #2130);
RNG (Certs. #1113, #1208, #1311 and #1372)
strOtherAlgorithms RSA (key wrapping;
key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 150 bits of encryption strength;
non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength);
strConfiguration Multi-chip standalone
memModuleDescription Bomgar Remote Support Appliances provide technicians secure remote control of devices over the internet/LAN/WAN. Bomgar allows collaborative remote support to various operating systems, including desktops, servers, mobile and network devices. In addition, Bomgar provides extensive auditing and recording of support sessions.
intModuleCount 1
memAdditionalNotes 04/08/14: added FW 3.4.0, added SW 13.1.3, added AES 2543, Triple-DES 1538, RSA 1297, SHS 2143, HMAC 1564, RNG 1208 and updated security policy.
10/31/14: added FW 3.4.1, AES 3033, Triple-DES 1774, RSA 1575, SHS 2531, HMAC 1915, RNG 1311 and updated security policy.
07/06/15: added HW B300r2, FW 3.5.1, added SW 14.3..3, added AES 3340, Triple-DES 1909, RSA 1715, SHS 2774, HMAC 2130, RNG 1372 and updated security policy.
strFirstValidtionDate 01/15/13 00:00:00
strLabName CEAL
strValidationYear 2013